
Our research services are designed to provide businesses and organizations with the insights they need to create products and services that meet the needs and expectations of their users.

1. User intetviews: We conduct one-on-one interviews with users to gain insights into their beyaviours, attitudes and preferences based on your ecosystem of choice 2. Surveys: We design and adminsters surverys to collect quanittiative data on user perferences and behaviours 3. Persona development: We create personas based on user research to help you bettter understand your target audience 4. Journey mapping: We map out the user journey to identify pain points and areas for improvement in the product 5. Competitive analysis: We conduct a competitive analysis to identify strenghts and weaknesses of your compeititors' products and services.

Our services is conducted by a researcher at the highest educational level with expertise in a variety of methdologies. The use of research methodologies and techniques is implemented to help gather and analyze data; providing you with a detailed reports and recommendations to help you make informed decisions about your products and servics.

Sam O.

Sam is the founder of ResearchGo and was resposible for advising organziations on current policies relating to the technology industries and black and latinx founders. She has lectured at universities on research methodlogies, statistics and data analytics and has worked in customer support and data reporting roles. In the private space she specializies in the technology industry with a focus on supporting. Within the academic research space her areas of interest are in forensic and developmental psychology and is currently undertaking a PhD in Population Health Sciences. Sam's diverse academic and startup background provides a unique perspective to the UX space as there is a strong foundation in understanding human behaviour on a biological and social-ecological standpoint. These two avenues of knowledge are imperative to conducting user research effectively. Her knowledge and user insights are derviced from this knowledge base and are applied to create a holsitic view of the users, including their needs motiviations and pain points.

A close-up of a paper filter filled with ground coffee
A green cup of a coffee on a wooden table
Coffee beans

“The first time I tried Kaldi’s coffee, I couldn’t even believe that was the same thing I’ve been drinking every morning.”

Elisabeth Kaurismäki

“Kaldi is the place to go if you want the best quality coffee. I love their stance on empowering farmers and transparency.”

Philipp Trommler

Monthly subscriptions

We make it easy to make great coffee a part of your life. Choose one of our monthly subscription plans to receive great coffee at your doorstep each month. Contact us about more details and payment info.



Perfect for the drinker who likes to enjoy 1-2 cups per day.

  • 3 lbs of coffee per month

  • Green or roasted beans"

  • One or two varieties of beans"



Great for avid drinkers, java-nsoving couples and bigger crowds

  • 6 lbs of coffee per month

  • Green or roasted beans

  • Up to 4 different varieties of beans



Want a few tiny batches from different varieties? Try our custom plan

  • Whatever you need

  • Green or roasted beans

  • Unlimited varieties